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Fan into Flame!

Monday, March 11
6:00 pm CST / 7:00 EST
Tuesday, March 12
1:00 pm CST 2:00 EST

Please join one of the above dates

From Bishop Lynn...

Good day, Pastors and Leaders of the GLC,


I welcome you to the next Fan Into Flame Event, described below, and I encourage you to pass this invitation on to those who teach your adults, youth, and children as well (or any other leaders/congregational members that you wish).


The Brethren in Christ have historically been informed by three theological traditions: Anabaptism, Pietism, and Wesleyanism. But how (and whether) these traditions continue to influence our churches today is a point of concern for our denominational family. 


As part of the BIC U.S. Project 250 initiative, we seek to “Reaffirm Our Identity as a Community of Christ-Followers”. This Spring’s Fan into Flame event is focused on that goal. 


Led by Great Lakes Conference Theologian in Residence Matthew Peterson, this discussion will explore how the “three steams” of the BIC U.S. theological heritage can equip our congregations to navigate today’s social challenges and divisions. 


Join us for Reaffirming Our Identity as a “Three Streams” Church.

Please take the survey below before attending

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