Fresh Expressions
© Copyright 2021 – Fresh Expressions
Sharing Jesus is a resource for introducing people to Christ in a group setting.
To complement personal witness, it suggests how you might add a spiritual dimension alongside a luncheon club, drop-in center or some other outreach. And it has ideas for sharing Jesus in a new worshipping community, fresh expression of church, missional community or church plant.
Perhaps you’ve been listening to God and your context, found a practical way to love people round you, and gathered those involved into a community. Sharing Jesus suggests how you might communicate your Christian faith as relationships deepen.
If you haven’t listened to people, loved them and nurtured relationships with them, please don’t use this resource – at least, not yet!
To start building these relationships, we suggest you download the free FX Godsend app or read The 21st Century Christian by Michael Moynagh and Michael Beck.
Sharing Jesus adopts an open-handed, walking together, learning from one another, asking questions approach. It’s not about telling people what to believe, but about saying to friends: “This is what I am finding helpful. What do you think? Might we explore this spiritual path together?”
It assumes you will be sensitive to the power dynamics of the group, share your leadership, listen carefully to others, do all you can to ensure no one feels pressured, and create room for the Holy Spirit to be people’s guide.
Download the FX Godsend app, go to the Share Jesus circle and look at unit 12. Explore Faith. It offers a framework for thinking about people’s journeys to faith, and how to respond sensitively at each stage.
Our prayer is that people will connect with Jesus and have a more complete experience of God’s reign. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10. 10).
This is a resource, not a comprehensive guide to evangelism. We assume that in sharing Jesus you will emphasise the central place of the crucifixion and resurrection, the importance of making a personal response to Christ, the value of being an active member of the whole church, and God’s call to Christian maturity.
Above all, we expect your efforts to be immersed in prayer. Experience shows that praying for two or three specific people bears fruit.
Our approach is based on inviting people to join God’s story of abundant goodness to the world. More about this can be found here in the first of our Additional Insights.
Sharing Jesus includes seven topics, each with a video animation, a video story, and a short downloadable guide with additional ideas and explanation. The resources are arranged logically to give them a shape, but please don’t follow the order! Go to the section that most interests you.