Service Projects
Start a Neighborhood Facebook Page
Starting a private group Facebook page for neighborhood is not only easy, but could prove to be extremely helpful in this Covid 19 era we are walking through. This can serve as a place for neighbors to check in with each other and help look after the elderly, widowed, immune compromised, and others.
Neighbors can post things like...
I need a prescription picked up at Walmart. Is anyone going that way?
I'm heading to the grocery store. Does anyone need anything?
Mrs. Jones is 80 and she has a nasty cold. Can anyone make a pot of soup for her?
My dog ran off about 30 minutes ago. Please keep an eye out for Fido, a small brown beagle. Call 555-555-5555 if you see him.
I'm ordering a grocery delivery from _______ and I'm happy to add something on for you. They are so busy! Let's order together and save them extra trips!
Use this as your facebook banner...
Click on this icon for a flier you can take to your neighbors. We recommend not leaving them in newspaper or mailboxes.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. " Matthew 22:37-39
Note from Pastor Vicki
At the same time I was building this Facebook page for The Seed, one of my own neighbors had the same idea and started a Facebook group for my neighborhood. It's been fantastic! I'm getting to know my neighbors better. We have shared posts about garbage pick up and unusual activity in the neighborhood. We've introduced pets to each other with photos and stories. We've offered meal & grocery services to each other during the pandemic. We've rescued an abandoned baby raccoon, shared pics of the baby deer in our yards, and even shared a post about a lost dog (no worries, he's okay!).
Someone from the neighborhood has reached out to me about The Seed, and I've contacted another person in the neighborhood to ask if he would be interested in leading a Bible Study on Zoom for our neighbors as well as anyone else who might want to join. He's considering it and I'll keep you posted. All this to say....this is a fantastic service project and I highly recommend you do it in your own neighborhood!