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What is it?


The Exchange exists to provide a forum for GLC collaboration surrounding the topics of Missional Vibrancy and Financial Viability


We will host an online session approximately once every six weeks (see the schedule below), featuring guest speakers, topical presentations, and educational opportunities (30 minutes). Additionally, we will intentionally leave a considerable amount of time (1 hour) for pastors and ministry leaders to discuss and collaborate on the actual visions and endeavors our GLC churches are engaged in. Discussion groups will have the opportunity to continue their discussion beyond the session's end time. The Exchange is also providing a private Facebook page to promote continued discussion between sessions. 


Who is this for?

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All GLC pastors, associate pastors, and church lay-leaders (via invitation from their pastor).  Pastors may choose to include specific financial and/or ministry lay-leaders that are key Kingdom workers within the innovative ministries and entrepreneurial practices at their churches.

Why Should You Participate?

Simply stated, together is better! The Exchange is providing an opportunity for our church leaders to share ideas, stories, knowledge, advice, resources, encouragement, and prayer. Together we have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16). 

Something to Consider

The word "exchange" implies both give and take. In other words, come not only  for yourselves but for each other too. When we choose to invest in each other, ultimately everybody gains! 

Mark Your Calendars!

Schedule of Events


Monday, October 2, 2023 
6:30 pm CST & 7:30 pm EST

Guest Speaker / Q&A
Dr. Jay Moon

Dr. Jay Moon, author of Missional Vibrancy and Financial Viability, will join us for a short presentation and extensive Q&A.  Jay's presentation at our 2023 Annual meeting sparked a lot of thought among our GLC pastors and church leaders. This evening with Jay will give us an opportunity to refresh our minds on the topic, converse with Jay more extensively, and hear the thoughts of our coworkers throughout the GLC.


Pastors may want to include key lay-leaders in this discussion, such as treasurer, board chair, and leaders of related ministries within your church; both existing and visionary. 


Please be sure to read Jay's book before attending and encourage your lay leaders to do the same. Additional books can be purchased here: Missional Vibrancy and Financial Viability

Monday, November 6, 2023 
6:30 pm CST & 7:30 pm EST

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What's Happening at Lakeview?
Pastor Jon Grimshaw

For the first 30 minutes of our session, Pastor Jon Grimshaw (Sr. Pastor) will share a story from Lakeview Community Church in Goodrich, MI. Lakeview currently provides a food pantry and clothing closet to their surrounding community that has uniquely shaped the church's missional perspective and goals. Pastor Jon will share Lakeview's hopes, visions, hurdles, joys, and prayer needs. 


Following Pastor Jon's story, we will engage in an hour of discussion, not only sharing advice and encouragement for Lakeview, but also relating his story to our own dreams and hurdles. 

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Monday, December 4, 2023 
6:30 pm CST & 7:30 pm EST

What's Happening at Amherst?
Pastor Joy Brown

Pastor Joy Brown (Family Life Pastor) will share stories from Amherst Community Church in Massillon, OH.  Amherst provides after school care for working parents as well as other unique family oriented outreach opportunities. Family Leggo Camp and Summer Splash Bash are two examples that aim to reach young families in their community.


Following Pastor Joy's story, we will engage in an hour of discussion not only sharing advice and encouragement for Amherst, but also relating their story to our own churches.

January 8, 2023 
6:30 pm CST & 7:30 pm EST

Guest Speakers from
New Life Community in Carlisle, PA

Pastors Maureen & Ryan Brown

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What does breakfast and bicycles have to do with Missional Vibrancy and Financial Viability in a church? Come to hear our guest speakers, Pastors Maureen and Ryan Brown. They will share how these outreaches have not only created vibrancy within their church, but have connected them to the community and provided for needs in profound ways! 


We will engage in 30 minutes of hearing New Life's story followed by an hour of Q&A with the Browns. 

February 19 , 2023 
6:30 pm CST & 7:30 pm EST

What's Happening at Valley Chapel?
Pastor Sue Mathie

"In the Fall of 2019, Sue alongside other volunteers, started visiting homeless shelters on Sunday mornings. As people left the shelters, the volunteers invited them to Valley Chapel for breakfast and church services. The shelters were often full because of the cold weather, and many people took them up on their offer. Sue and her small team filled their personal cars and brought as many people as they could to Valley Chapel each Sunday. The newcomers brought excitement and new life to the congregation. Then the pandemic hit...


Come to hear Pastor Sue share how dropping pennies in the offering plate are placing roofs over heads and bringing vision to fruition! 


Pastor Sue will share Valley Chapel's story for 30 minutes followed by an hour of discussion time

Check back for future sessions!

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